The Little Things

         In Gottman's The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, it discusses how the first step in turning toward each other starts with the “mini-moments.” It is those small acts of love, affection, and romance where a strong relationship is built.
In Gottman’s
            There are many people who believe that it is those grand adventures or gestures of affection is how you show love to your spouse. But we need to remember that we need to keep the flame burning. We can’t always go on big vacations or receive expensive gifts to feel like we are being appreciated, or expecting your partner to feel appreciative of you. Doing the small things; going out to eat, watching a movie together, going on a walk, those things are what keeps that light ignited.
            An important part of marriage is to show interest in your partner's interests. This is something that I am worried about for my own future marriage. I fear that I will lose my sense of individuality and my husband won’t appreciate what I like to do. I also need to focus on doing my best in not being selfish with my own desires and interests and also do what he wants to do. It shows that you care about them and will do anything to make sure they feel loved and that you see them.
            One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Joseph B. Wirthlin, he says, “Sometimes the greatest love is not found in the dramatic scenes that poets and writers immortalize. Often, the greatest manifestations of love are the simple acts of kindness and caring we extend to those we meet along the path of life.” I urge everyone to keep in mind that it is the little things that will make the greatest impact in showing our love and dedication to our eternal companion.


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